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Image and text matching bridges visual and textual modality differences and plays a considerable role in cross-modal retrieval. Much progress has been achieved through semantic representation and alignment. However, the distribution of multimedia data is severely unbalanced and contains many low-frequency occurrences, which are often ignored and cause performance degradation, i.e., the long-tail effect. In this work, we propose a novel rare-aware attention network (RAAN), which explores and exploits textual rare content for tackling the long-tail effect of image and text matching. Specifically, we first design a rare-aware mining module, which contains global prior information construction and rare fragment detector for modeling the characteristic of rare content. Then, the rare attention matching utilizes prior information as attention to guide the representation enhancement of rare content and introduces the rareness representation to strengthen the similarity calculation. Finally, we design prior information loss to optimize the model together with the triplet loss. We perform quantitative and qualitative experiments on two large-scale databases and achieve leading performance. In particular, we conduct 0-shot test for rare content and improve rSum by 21.0 and 41.5 on Flickr30K (155,000 image and text pairs) and MSCOCO (616,435 image and text pairs), demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed method for the long-tail effect.  相似文献   
通过文献资料法和案例分析法,以系统论为视角对体育产业高质量发展进行动力机制模型建构,并以江苏体育产业发展经验作为现实考察。研究认为:体育产业高质量发展作为政策性议题,其实践取向应围绕产业的商业性效益逻辑和体育的人文性功能价值进行有机融合,进而推动体育产业在社会主要矛盾、资源配置方式、产业结构模式、经济增长状态4个维度中积极寻求转向。推进体育产业转向高质量发展是一个系统问题,系统运转的关键在于形成运动项目内涵丰富的内生机制、社会进步和经济发展环境的外发机制以及业态载体和空间载体充沛的内外联动机制。当前运动项目产业化内在张力不足、外部环境要素缺位、空间载体培育良莠不齐是现实挑战。提出注重深度内涵式发展、强化务实载体建设、营造适宜外部环境3个由意识理念引领到具体工作抓手的发展思路。  相似文献   
Aspect-based sentiment analysis aims to determine sentiment polarities toward specific aspect terms within the same sentence or document. Most recent studies adopted attention-based neural network models to implicitly connect aspect terms with context words. However, these studies were limited by insufficient interaction between aspect terms and opinion words, leading to poor performance on robustness test sets. In addition, we have found that robustness test sets create new sentences that interfere with the original information of a sentence, which often makes the text too long and leads to the problem of long-distance dependence. Simultaneously, these new sentences produce more non-target aspect terms, misleading the model because of the lack of relevant knowledge guidance. This study proposes a knowledge guided multi-granularity graph convolutional neural network (KMGCN) to solve these problems. The multi-granularity attention mechanism is designed to enhance the interaction between aspect terms and opinion words. To address the long-distance dependence, KMGCN uses a graph convolutional network that relies on a semantic map based on fine-tuning pre-trained models. In particular, KMGCN uses a mask mechanism guided by conceptual knowledge to encounter more aspect terms (including target and non-target aspect terms). Experiments are conducted on 12 SemEval-2014 variant benchmarking datasets, and the results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed framework.  相似文献   
食品工程实验教学中心建设的实践与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从食品工程实验教学中心建设的目标和任务出发,探讨了实验教学中心在实验队伍、实验教学体系、实验教学方式、实验教学管理体制和运行机制等建设方面的实践经验。  相似文献   
现代农村服务业是衡量农村社会经济发达程度的重要标志。加快农村服务业发展,是推进农村经济结构调整、转变农村经济发展方式和促进农民就业的有效途径。以浙江省为例,对农村服务业和农民就业问题进行实证研究,在区际差异性分析的基础上,寻求以农民住地就业为主的内部发展方案,具有积极而重要的现实意义,也能对其它区域促进农民就业,实现增收致富,推进“三农”事业和新农村建设发展提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   
公共管理制度体系由正式约束、非正式约束和实施机制组成,公共管理制度创新必须综合考虑这三个要素的特征与功能。现阶段,应高度重视我国公共管理正式约束的创新作用,特别是正式约束的形成机制;应促进非正式制度的变革创新,使之与正式制度变迁相互协调。完善有效的实施机制是制度创新成功的关键。  相似文献   
通过调查发现,四川省少数民族地区(主要是甘孜、阿坝、凉山等地)人才数量少,水平低,结构差,盖源于人才引进机制缺失。应从人才引进机制的配套建设、完善人才交流市场、引人与引智相结合、制定和实施引入人才的具体措施等方面进行解决。  相似文献   
高校后勤人力资源管理的路径选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校后勤社会化改革已经取得了阶段性成果,但高校后勤人力资源管理还处于较低的水平。加强对人力资源的开发,提升高校后勤人力资源管理的水平,已经成为摆在我们面前的一个重要课题。从树立现代的人力资源观念、建立完善的员工激励机制、打造全新的组织管理模式等3个方面探讨高校后勤人力资源管理的路径选择。  相似文献   
农村合作银行面临着由市场治理结构内生的三种“经营陷阱”.因此,在当前的理论预设和实践背景下,市场化的风险控制机制不能从根本上控制和规避农村合作银行的经营风险.为此,应重点探索和实践由农村合作银行、农民专业合作社、农机合作社、农户等节点联结而成,并建有能体现各类节点网络化合作功能的综合性组织载体的网络化农村合作银行风险控制机制,从而使农村合作银行成功跨越三种“经营陷阱”,以控制和规避其经营风险,并将“嵌入”于农村经济合作网络和社会关系网络中的社会资本转化为经济资本,促进农村合作金融发展。  相似文献   
传统协同过滤算法仅利用评分信息进行推荐,而没有利用到更多用户特征与电影特征,推荐效果不佳。深度学习的普通应用,为特征提取打下了良好基础。通过爬取网站上的电影演员信息表,使用卷积神经网络对文本信息进行特征提取,采用结合注意力机制与场感知因子分解机的混合推荐方法,并使用用户—电影特征矩阵进行训练。在公开数据集 MovieLens 上进行实验测试,RMSE 达到 0.850,与 5 组推荐模型进行对比,RMSE 分别提18.0%、11.3%、7.60%、25.7%、6.80%。实验结果表明,该模型可以提高推荐效率。  相似文献   
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